The Location of the New Career Center
The Adult Workforce Office is located in the new Adult Workforce Education building behind the Knox County Career Center (High School Student building). Some of the classes will be held in the Career Center (front building). The classes that will be in the Adult Workforce building will be noted as such. The entrance to the new education building is the same as the other Career Center entrance. You will go passed the High School Career Center on the right. Next, go passed the Mount Vernon High School and Middle School on the left. Then at the back of the Knox County Career Center (High School) turn right into the parking lot. As your going toward the back of the building you will be able to see the new Adult Education building. The parking lots have yellow painted arrows to tell you which way to turn. Just follow the arrows to the back building. The front entrance has an arch shape front to it. That is where you will enter the building.
A New Address and Phone Number
The Knox County Career Center Adult Workforce Education building has a new phone number. The phone number is: The Knox County Career Center Adult Education building also has a new address. The address is: 308 Martinsburg Road Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
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